Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Getting Closer!!

Hi everyone -

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. I am now 36 1/2 weeks along and feeling every bit pregnant. I was officially taken off of bed rest on Sunday and was able to also stop taking the medicine that was preventing contractions. I really haven't felt any contractions since then, although I do get crampy from time-to-time, which is normal.

I had a check-up with my doctor yesterday and discovered that my blood pressure was high. They had me lie down to retake it and it returned to normal, but Dr. Nord is still concerned because this is the stage where Preeclampsia can occur. I have been experiencing a few signs of Preeclampsia on a minor level - dull headaches, swelling, weight gain - so he has once again assigned me to rest. I was so excited about getting to do normal things again like clean the house (of course with Dan's assistance) and even put the Christmas decorations out this weekend since I know that this won't happen once the baby arrives, but once again my plans are put on hold.

The good news is is that we are definitely ready for the baby's arrival. The nursery is mostly done, baby supplies are purchased, baby things are washed and put away, hospital bag is packed, car seat installed, child care is basically set up, pediatrician chosen, etc.... The only thing that Dan and I would like more time on is getting our work at our jobs in better shape before I go into labor. I also found out that Dr. Nord will be out of town for a week starting this Saturday, so our new goal is to make it to the 38-week mark, which is Sunday November 18th. Of course, we know that this isn't in our control and if the Preeclampsia develops fully, I will have to be induced right away because the only cure for it is to deliver the baby.

We're hoping to make it out this weekend to celebrate our 7th anniversary. Hard to believe that it has been seven years! Nothing more exciting planned other than dinner and a movie. I have been craving Olive Garden a lot recently and Dan wants to go see the new Bee movie (he got free tickets). We're a couple of party animals!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the fall colors. The trees seemed to really have turned this week as the temperatures have become more fall-like recently. It's really pretty to be out driving around town and being able to see all of the pretty trees. We are just thankful at this time of year that we don't have large trees that dump lots of leaves that need raked every other day!

Well, hope everyone is doing well and maybe the next post will be a baby announcement :)

I have attached a picture of myself that was taken at 35 weeks for those of you who have been wanting to see how big I have gotten. It's not a pretty sight!!

Take care,
