Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bailey is 6 Months Old!!

How did my little girl already turn six months old!?! I'm a few weeks behind on this, but I was waiting on her stats from her appointment this week before posting. She is really developing her personality now. This is the age I have been waiting for. She can sit up on her own now and play contently for periods of time. I love that she can entertain herself. It's great to see her playing with toys and developing her coordination as well. She is still quite entertained by her brother and watches everything that he does. He also loves to be my big helper and get her things when she needs something and is always letting me know when she is crying (like I didn't already know!). He'll say "Bayee cryin" or "Bayee sad". He also likes to keep track of where she is and watch me feed her food. I love how interested he has become in her!

We are still waiting on her to consistently sleep through the night. She has done it a few times, but other nights she might be up five times. It can really be exhausting sometimes. She definitely is not a heavy sleeper like Jacob is. You can barely tip-toe into her room without her waking up. She is still working on her vegetables, but I gave her a break from food for awhile because she developed eczema pretty quickly during the first week of introducing the yellow vegetables to her. It was all over her face and bottom and really irritated her. She now has a prescription-strength cortisone cream which has done wonders. She really likes the vegetables so far, which is encouraging.

It is sad to begin putting away some of her baby things like her bouncy seat and play gym. It will be weird to store these things for good this time instead of stuffing them in a closet knowing that another one is on the way. On the other hand, it is great to free up more space and I now see why people are so eager to have a garage sale to get rid of these things!

Here is a run-down of Bailey at six months:

*Sitting up for long periods of time

*Rolling and scooting backwards on her tummy

*Taking about three naps a day

*Loves to play in the water during bath time

*Has great hand-eye coordination and loves to steal things around her

*Lunges forward to grab things

*Is very observant and watches everything around her

*Removed her sleep positioner and now she likes to sleep on her side or tummy

*Is still very happy (well unless she is tired or hungry)

*Is still pretty petite - 15 pounds (23%) and 25 inches (18%)

*No sign of teeth yet

Fell asleep during dinner one night

Jacob loading Bailey with toys (he did this all on his own)

This is how she sleeps sometimes

Fascinated with each other!

Posing forward at the same time - very rare!!