Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mr. Adaptable

Over the past month, Jacob has really been adapting to change that has been thrown his way. Starting a few weeks ago, I made the decision to alter his bedtime routine. Since day one, he has always had warm milk right before bed that knocks him out. Although he has been on whole milk for awhile now, we have continued to warm it and give it to him before bed. I knew that he has become too old for this, not to mention the harm of sugar sitting on his teeth all night. So a few weeks ago I gave him his usual bath and got him ready for bed and put him straight into his crib to sleep. He fought it for a short while but eventually fell asleep. He now goes right down after his bath. I'm so proud of him. I totally figured that he would have fought tooth and nail because he wanted his milk, but he is doing great!

Another change is that two weeks ago he started going to the toddler room instead of the nursery at church. Technically, you have to be 15-months, but he is just weeks away from that. He loved every minute of it, even being with new people and other kids he doesn't know either. He is currently transitioning to the toddler room at daycare as well and the director indicated to me that he may go earlier than planned because he does so well in there and has a great time. I have been feeling this for about a month now that he was ready to move up. There is such a development disparity in the infant room that I felt he was getting bored and missing out on learning things in the toddler room. Three new infants started this month and I am reminded at how much he has changed in such a short while.

One other thing that he is transitioning to is going from two naps a day to one right after lunch. The toddler room has them more on a schedule where the kids sleep right after lunch. In the infant room, he can nap whenever he is ready. I'd say that he is down to taking one nap about 60 percent of the time. This will be his biggest challenge in my opinion, but maybe having the opportunity to play with kids his own age will keep him from thinking about needing a nap. On Sunday he went down for a nap after lunch and slept for four hours!! I didn't know what to do with all of my unexpected free time!

My baby is definitely growing up. Let's just hope that his adaptability continues through the arrival of his sister here in two short months :)