Sunday, January 18, 2009

First ISU Basketball Game

We took Jacob to his first Illinois State basketball game this afternoon. We debated all the way to needing to leave for the game whether we should take him or not. He is not one to sit still very long. I decided that it was worth a try and that it is good to expose him to more than just the occasional trip shopping or to a restaurant. Pretty soon here our opportunities for going out as a family are going to get more challenging. I won't say that the two-hour game was easy for him, but overall he did better than I expected! I walked him around the arena a couple of times to offer him some time to stretch his legs, which he loved. I was surprised at how far he was able to walk at one time! He did a pretty good job sitting on Dan's lap during the rest of the game (with a little incentive of cheerios and juice). He definitely wore himself out though because he was passed out within a minute on the drive home. I love that he is getting older and able to do more things like this :)