Friday, August 26, 2011

Chicago Visit

I took the kids up to Chicago for a day last week to hang out with my sister. We went to Navy Pier first and rode the ferris wheel, looked at pirate ships, had balloon swords made by a pirate, and had lunch. Afterwards, we went to the beach along Lake Michigan and had a blast. It was the kids' first trip to a beach and they LOVED it! Jacob was obsessed with the water while Bailey had a ball playing in the sand. I think she could have sat there for hours!! I've never seen her so focused. We will definitely be making more trips to the beach in the future! Before we drove back home, we ate pizza at Sharla's house and got the kids bathed and in their pjs so they could go straight to bed when we got home. It was a great day!!

Here are the pictures from our day.

Chicago Visit 2011


Unknown said...

Please read my humble appeal on my profile