Monday, June 27, 2011

Dan's Nose Job

Dan didn't really get an actual nose job, but he did have a septoplasty done a few weeks ago to correct his deviated septum. The doctor told me once he was out of surgery that Dan's deviated septum ranked in the top 10 percent in severity of all the ones he has seen. I don't think Dan was fully prepared for what the first days of recovery would be like. He was pretty miserable for the first two days and I have never seen him like that. His eyes were devil-red and very puffy and he said the pressure was incredible in his face. He could barely talk and I couldn't even get him to give me a faint smile. He was like a zombie. The amazing thing is that despite how bad he felt, he continued to work from home, putting in long hours during the week he was supposed to be taking it easy. The crazy thing is is that as soon as he was able to open his eyes in recovery, he asked for his Blackberry and began taking care of e-mails. I guess that is the life of a salesman!!

Of course, I had to snap a few pictures of him and he actually gave me permission to post one. The second picture is of the kids on one of the mornings following the surgery. They had to entertain themselves while I showered and had to leave Dan alone while he was passed out downstairs. This is how I found them after I started a show for them. The cute thing is that after this, they went downstairs and Jacob helped Bailey get set up with a poptart and her milk (already made in the fridge) for breakfast. My heart seriously melted!!