Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Christmas and New Year's

We had a great Christmas and had lots of quality family time between Christmas and New Year's. One of the perks of working for ISU is getting seven work days off. I usually fill my time off with house projects, but his year I made it a point to just relax. Dan and I had an impromptu day date on the 23rd and went out to lunch and went bowling. It was fun and felt like old times!

We spent Christmas Eve at home while the snow piled up outside. Due to the weather our church cancelled its services, so we got in the car and drove around and looked at Christmas lights. Dan had a little fun driving in our four-wheel drive on the empty streets :) Before bedtime, Jacob and Bailey spread out reindeer food and left cookies for Santa.

The kids slept in (til 7:30) Christmas morning and we went down to see what Santa brought them. We then ate breakfast and opened presents. Since it was just us for the day, I planned on spreading the gift opening all day, but Jacob was not in agreement with that idea! Bailey, however, got tired of opening gifts and gave up when she had four to go! She kept pushing them away and in her little girl voice saying "no" and shaking her head. She finally decided to finish opening her gifts before lunch and the rest of the day was spent relaxing.

We kept the kids home from church the next day because both of them had gross colds and I didn't want to spread their germs onto others. We took them sledding but neither one was really into it this time around. Dan went back to work on Monday and I kept the kids home with me for the day. We were supposed to go visit family in Decatur, but their trip got cancelled due to the crazy snowstorm out east.

Jacob and I had a fun day on Wednesday and he went to his first dental appointment. It took him awhile to warm up, but he did fine once he discovered that he could move the controls of the chair. Such a boy!

We spent New Year's Eve morning with our friends from North Carolina who were in town for a visit along with our other friends in town who were part of our group before they moved. It was crazy because none of us had kids back then and now there are lots!

The rest of our weekend was pretty normal. I absolutely loved the down time and getting to spend so much time with the kids. We don't get to do that often, so it was a real treat. I also think that I am the most relaxed I've been in probably three years or so. I leave for the cruise with my sister this Sunday and I am so glad I am heading into the trip already relaxed and with some good family time spent over break.

Here are lots of pictures!!

Jacob and Bailey in front of the tree

Spreading reindeer food

Leaving cookies for Santa

Posing together

Santa came!!

Coming down the stairs Christmas morning

Look! Santa ate the cookies!

Looking at what Santa brought

Jacob's stocking

Bailey's stocking

Picture in their pjs

Bailey's new doll

Jacob's race track

Jacob's new blanket I made him

Bailey's new blanket I made her

Bailey's new Dora Backback

Bailey playing with her new doll

Jacob posing in front of the tree

Our gifts from the kids (made at daycare)

Daddy and Jacob "in the zone" watching Toy Story 3

Jacob loved the Santa hat

Jacob's first dentist appointment