Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bailey's Milestones at One

Bailey hit a number of milestones around her first birthday. I also took some pictures of her at one, but she is too busy to sit still, let alone look and smile at the camera. I want to take her to get her pictures taken, but just haven't had the opportunity yet.

Here are her milestones:

*She is a tiny, little thing. Weight 17 lbs 11 oz (6th percentile) - Height - 28 3/4 inches (39th percentile)

*Her first tooth finally poked through the bottom the Sunday before birthday (3/28). It literally came out of nowhere and just when I was thinking that her teething was going to be easy, she proved us wrong! Her drooling is out of control right now and she has had fevers on and off for two weeks now. It could also be from her shots, so who knows. She is also a bit more fussy at times and I think that she is just hurting. I'm just glad that her teeth finally decided to make an appearance!

*She is trying to talk more. Although I can't prove that she is saying actual words, she is pointing to a lot of things now and making some appropriate sounds, like "da" for daddy, "mama" for mommy, "dah" for dog, and "meh" for milk.

*We had been trying to get her to drink her milk out of sippy cups for some time now with failure, but she has come around. She refused her formula in a sippy cup, but she has absolutely no problem with cold, whole milk in a cup. Yay!! The transition cups I used with Jacob did not work for her, but she is partial to the harder nipple kinds, which is fine with me! I'm still giving her a bottle of formula at bedtime, mainly because I want to make sure she is taking in enough fluids and getting some extra calories to beef up.

*She is a great walker now, but is not a fan of the grass. She just stands there and cries. Occasionally, she will walk while holding my hand, but that's it.

*She is getting more assertive with Jacob and has tried to push him away a few times. However other times she will initiate a wrestling match with him. It's cute, but the main problem is Jacob doesn't understand that he's bigger and will lay on top of her and crush her.

Here are some of the pictures I took of her around her birthday.

New ride-on toy from Aunt Sharla

First time walking outside

Fun swinging