Sunday, February 7, 2010

10 Months

It's time again for Bailey's monthly post. She has really progressed this past month. Here are all the things new with her!

*Walking along everything

*Taking a couple of steps independently (as of 1/29)

*Climbing on everything. She has quickly figured out how to get on the couch and also loves to stand on her rocking chair and rock back and forth. Obviously this is a little scary for me!

*Transitioning to table foods. This will be a slow process I'm afraid.

*STILL no teeth or any sight of them.

*Developed anxiety with a lot of people. Thankfully daycare is not one of those places, but the church nursery is.

*Taking baths with Jacob now. Both kids love it!

New fear of the vaccum. This is the position she went into the other day while I started the vaccum. She literally didn't move and stayed here for a few minutes. No crying or I would have rescued her!

Here is an example of her being a little monkey. She loves to dive over things. Absolutely no fear!

She loves to push the grocery cart. One of her interesting things is putting a toy in her mouth and either crawling or walking with it. Here's a turkey leg, which is hysterical!

Playing with the gate by the stairs.