Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jacob Update

Jacob is growing up so fast. He talks incessantly, which is cute most days! He constantly amazes me on what he knows and says. He doesn't miss a beat, there is no more talking in secret around him because he hears it and isn't stupid. We're working on code words. He is starting to point out letters he sees in books and signs. He has known the whole alphabet for awhile now and can count to 15 or so. I would say that we understand about 95 percent of what he says. That five percent can be a real source of frustration for him though because he doesn't understand why we don't get what he is saying.

He just loves life. He is pretty smart, although I'm a bit biased I think. He loves to do whatever we're doing. It's so funny when we're on the phone, because he will run and go get his Tigger cellphone and then mimic everything we are saying. Very cute. He watches us very closely and will ask questions so he understands what we're doing. He is starting to get out and experience the world more and more. Check out the blog below to see what he has been up to lately.

The terrible twos are definitely here, although they aren't too frequent and we can usually get him out of it with a good distraction. He loves snacks and knows where they are so when we tell him "no" it usually results in a mini temper tantrum.

Jacob is turning into a picture lover. He loves to pose and then look at what it looks like on the camera. He wants his picture taken all the time as well as videos of himself.

Jacob is drinking out of regular cups now most of the time. With this comes spills but we're working on it. Eating is never really an issue with him. When there are times he doesn't want something, we can usually bribe him with a small snack if he finishes his food. This usually works, anything for a snack!

Songs are a big part of his life. He LOVES to sing and be sung to. I love that preschool does this for him because I'm not the best singer to teach him songs, but I try!! We usually have a good children's song going in the car on the way home each night. Wait until the windows are open again, look out Bloomington/Normal!! He also loves to dance and seems to be teaching his sister some moves. We still play the "Cha Cha" frequently and both kids really get into it.

Jacob is slowly figuring out the potty. He begged to go the other night and I thought it was just to play (we were in the middle of a bath). I reluctantly let him out and he actually peed.... a lot!! So proud of him and he was super proud too. I know training is just around the corner and I'm very nervous about working with him on this. I hate messes and I can only imagine what is in store for us!

Jacob loves his routine. He knows when we get home at night he gets to go downstairs while Daddy works out before dinner. His bedtime is really where his need for routine comes through. Dan is in charge of this most nights post-bath and has really turned this into a playtime for him. It originally began as one-on-one time for him and a safe place where Bailey wouldn't get into his toys. They put together blocks, puzzles, and read books. He goes through a series of books (in a certain order) and rotates which books he likes. Right now Dr. Seuss is a favorite. We need to scale back this routine to just books because bedtime really needs to be just that and not playtime (in my opinion). This will be a habit that will take time to break. He really gets upset if something is left out.

Jacob is such a joy and is really a sweetheart. Minus the tantrums, I really can't get enough of him!!!

Jacob trying to take his clothes off

Jacob's new interest in his stuffed animals

Sample of his OCD

On the flip side, here is him taking apart the toy storage shelving unit