Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Celebration

I celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago. My family came to Bloomington last weekend to celebrate both my and my grandma's birthday (same day). We went out to Famous Dave's, which is my favorite and then came back to our house for cake and ice cream. This was Bailey's first time in a highchair at a restaurant and she did great. It was nice to just relax and spend time with my family without worrying about cooking. My dad helped Dan put up a chair rail in Jacob's room and fix his door so it would latch when we shut it. It's so nice to be able to keep Jacob in his room now without him opening and shutting it every time he wakes up or doesn't want to go to sleep.

My sister also gave Jacob a belated Christmas present that got forgotten on Christmas. It is a ride-on mechanical robot that I call the toddler version of the Hoveround! It is hysterical!! It can go backwards and forwards and spin in circles. It also came with a remote control and Dan is getting his fill of fun with it too. Jacob is still trying to figure it out and I'll post a video of it once he gets the hang of it better. He absolutely loves it and rides on it while Dan works out in the basement each night. I have a feeling in a year or so we'll have lots of fights over this thing :)

Grandpa being silly and putting a "napkin hat" on Bailey. It actually stayed on for quite awhile!

Here is a video of Jacob singing "Happy Birthday" to me at bedtime. He did it perfectly all on his own before I told him to wait while I ran to get the camera. This version isn't perfect, but very cute!