Friday, September 4, 2009

5 Months

Little Miss Bailey turned five months this past Tuesday. How time flies! I am trying to savor every possible moment with her because she is growing and changing too fast. At night I feed her before I put her down and she often falls asleep on my chest while burping her. Although I have a million things to do once she is in bed, I hesitate moving her because I know that it won't be too long that she won't do this anymore.

I don't know how we lucked out, but she is an even happier baby than Jacob was. She smiles all the time and really only cries when she is either really hungry or tired.

Here is what she is up to:

*She has been sleeping in her crib the past couple of weeks and has started sleeping through the night. She does stir a couple of times and needs a pacifier, but we can't complain! I love that her bedtime now coincides with Jacob's. The only problem is when I'm by myself at bedtime and have to choose which one to go down first.

*She is starting to sit up on her own when placed in a sitting position. I don't know how she goes from not holding her head up very well a month ago to sitting up in such a short time, but I'll take it! This is the last trick I want her to learn because it's so much easier to entertain when they sit up, but once she starts crawling, life will get even crazier and I'm not ready for that.

*I gave her her first taste of cereal last Sunday. Not much got digested, but I'll try again this weekend (I honestly forget to give it to her at night, so bad!).

*I mentioned in her four-month post that she started rolling over. Well she now rolls back-and-forth and rarely stays on her back anymore, she's got places to go!

*She is taking everything around her in. She rarely takes her eyes off of Jacob and thinks he is a superstar (more later on this in a future post).

*She grabs everything within reach. The other day Jacob was working on a wooden puzzle with me on the floor and looked at me with his hands up in the air and asked "where piece go?". Turns out that Miss Bailey who was on my lap found it somehow and was knawing on it.