Saturday, July 4, 2009

Week Recap

It has been a great week overall. We decided to take the kids to the St. Louis Zoo on Monday, since there was a bit of a break in the extreme heat we were having. It was great to get out of town and do something fun for a change. I feel like our lives have gotten so monotonous in the endless things that have to get done and taking care of the kids. Having a second child definitely has made our lives much crazier!

Dan and I had Friday off from work, but discovered that the daycare was open that day. Yay!! We took advantage of the opportunity and went out on a date during the day. We got the kids' pictures taken in the morning and then dropped them off to daycare. We went out to lunch, saw a movie, and ran some errands. It felt like the old days before kids. So nice!! We definitely need to do this more often. I did feel guilty that we could have spent that time with the kids, but we don't ever get the opportunity to have time to ourselves, so this was great and very needed.

That night, we went to one of our friends' houses for a dinner cookout and had a good time. We blew a tire on the interstate on the way to their house. I can't tell you how fearful I was for Dan to be changing a tire a few feet away from cars driving 65+. The amount of cars that don't get over for you is frightening. I was so impressed that Dan knew exactly what to do in changing the tire. I am so clueless!! There were three families at the cookout and all of us have been great friends since our college years. We fed the kids first and someone made a comment about the scene of all the kids (six) sitting around the table and how things have changed. Really makes me feel old!

We spent 4th of July mainly indoors. There was a children's parade in our neighborhood park in the morning where the children ride bikes/scooters or ride in wagons that are decorated for the 4th of July. We woke up to rain in the morning, but at the time of the parade, it had let up so we headed over. Of course by the time we got there it was raining pretty steady. We stuck it out and probably win the
"bad parents award" for taking our 1 1/2 year old and three-month old out in that. Ugh!! Bailey was in the sling and stayed completely warm and dry and Jacob rode in the wagon and was mostly dry with the golf umbrella I held over him. It was disappointing because the longer we were out, the more the wagon decorations curled up and fell off. It looked pathetic at the end!! We spent the rest of the day playing with the kids and catching up on things around the house. Sometimes it's nice to be forced inside and just hibernate with the family. Due to the rain, we decided not to take the kids back out in it for the fireworks since it would be miserable AND super-late for them. Hopefully next year we'll have better weather. The good news is that the rest of the week is supposed to be gorgeous!

Well, please check below in the other blog entries for pictures of our trip to the zoo, 4th of July, and some other random pictures. I will also be posting a 3-month blog on Bailey soon!!!