Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Snow

We woke up this morning to a couple of inches of snow. It's strange because it has been getting warmer each week, so to have snow at the end of March is a little different. I was excited because I've been wanting to get Jacob out to play in the snow one more time this year. It was such a cold winter, that we didn't let him out much to play in it, and I've been itching to get one more opportunity for him to use the snow gear we bought him! Below are some snapshots of Jacob and Daddy playing while I stood and watched from the comfort of our front porch.

Helping Daddy shovel

Working on making a snowman

Posing with the snowman

Sitting on the snowman (it melted within hours anyways!)

Making a snowball

Daddy throwing a snowmall at Jacob (no worries, Jacob thought it was hilarious)